The Region of Arequipa has several ecological steps and the longest coastline in Peru. These varied ecosystems favored the formation of natural reserves and deep canyons surrounded by majestic volcanoes and high mountain peaks. This region boasts ideal spots for birdwatchers, such as the Mejia Lagoons and the Colca Canyon; beautiful landscapes shaped by 20 rivers; and the mountain ranges of Ampato, Chila, and Huanzo, with the Coropuna Volcano as the highest point (20,484 feet above sea level - 6,245 m.a.s.l.); as well as the Cotahuasi and Colca Canyons - two of the deepest canyons in the world. There is no doubt that the Region of Arequipa is an attractive region for outdoor lovers and adventurers.
Most of these beautiful natural attractions are located outside of the metropolitan area of Arequipa, and visitors will need to plan their excursions to these sites in advance (with the excepcion of the Colca Canyon).
Below we list the most important and attractive natural reserves (or zones) and beaches in the Region of Arequipa.
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The canyon has a maximum depth of 3,400 meters, making it the second deepest canyon inthe world, after the Cotahuasi Canyon, also located in the Region of Arequipa.
Location: Districts of Achoma, Cabanaconde, Callalli, Chivay, Coporaque, Huambo, Ichupampa, Lari Maca, Madrigal, Sibayo, Tuti, and Yanque; Province of Caylloma; and Region of Arequipa
Altitude: Lowest point is 970 meters above sea level and highest point is 6,288 meters above sea level.
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The Mejia Lagoons is a stop on the migratory bird flyways from the northern hemisphere to the southern one and vice versa.
Location: Districts of Mejia, Dean Valdivia, and Punta de Bombon; Province of Islay; and Region of Arequipa
Altitude: 0 to 3.4 meters above sea level
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"Las Canteras de Sillar" are a natural quarry formed by the lava created by the explosions of the the Misti and Chachani volcanes. Along the time, this lava gave place to a withish volcanic rock known by locals as "Sillar". The quarry is located in the ravine of Añashuayco.
Location: Districts of Yuro, Cerro Colorado, and Uchumayo; Province and Region of Arequipa
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This natural attraction is located on the road that connects Arequipa and Puno. A great place for rock climbers and nature lovers.
Location: Imata town, District of San Antonio de Chuca, Province of Caylloma, Region of Arequipa
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This natural attraction is located on the road that connects the regions of Arequipa and Puno. This waterfall is located in an arid land.
Location: Imata town, District of San Antonio de Chuca, Province of Caylloma, Region of Arequipa
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