
Adventure Activities

The Region of Arequipa is a playground for adventurers. Here adventure lovers can enjoy dozens of high, snowy peaks; rivers with class II, II, and IV rapids in several areas; sand hills for the practice of sandboarding; great waves to surf; a variety of sea life for scuba divers; great winds and canyons for paragliders; deep canyons to explore; as well as other natural  wonders to hike or bike.

Below is a list of the most important adventure activities that canbe practiced in the Region of Arequipa with relevant information that will help you enjoy the outdoor activities in which you love to participate.

Mountain Biking the Chachani Volcano

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This ride is mainly done off-road with about a quarter of it done on asphalted road; therefore, good biking skills are needed.

Location: It starts in the hillside of the Chachani Nevado at the point known as "Las Antenas," District of Cayma, Province and Region of Arequipa


Whitewater Rafting in the Chili River

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The Chili River doesn't require previous experience and it offers rapids class II, III and IV.

Location: It starts in Charcaniat the point known as Virgen of Chapi Sanctuary, District of Cayma, Province and Region of Arequipa.

Hiking the Colca Canyon Trek to San Galle Oasis

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This traditional trek to San Galle is usually done in 2 days and it starts in the town of Cabanaconde (Colca Canyon.) This hike is commonly known as the Colca Canyon Trek but locals know it as the San Galle Oasis trek and it can be reached by foot only via the San Juan de Cchucho village in about 7 hours or using a zigzag trail down to the bottom of the Colca Canyon, where the Oasis is located, in about 2 or 3 hours (this last option is very steep and it can be dangerous at some points when going down) .

ATV Excursion to Pichu Pichu Volcano in Arequipa

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This excursion is offered by only a few tour operators in Arequipa. The tour starts in the town of Chiguata located south-east of downtown Arequipa.

Location & Delails: District of Chiguata, Arequipa Province & Region / 25.3 kilometers from downtown Arequipa -  50 minutes away.

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