ATV Excursion to Pichu Pichu Volcano, Arequipa Adventures - My Peru Guide
General Info

Level of Difficulty: Previous experience on ATV or motorcycles.

Altitude: 9,665 feet above sea level (2,946 m.a.s.l.).

Operational info:

  • Days: Every day of the week
  • Hours: Starts between 7:00 and 12:00
  • Entrance Ticket: N/A
  • Phone number: N/A

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Location: Chiguata District, Arequipa Province & Region.

Distance from Downtown Arequipa: 25.3 kilometers -  50 minutes away.

ATV Excursion to Pichu Pichu Volcano, Arequipa Adventures - My Peru Guide


  • The town of Chiguata is located south-east of downtown Arequipa at the skirts of the volcanoes Misti and Pichu Picchu. The town is surrounded by farming land with hundreds of Andean terraces built even before the Incas took over this land. The town offers breathtaking landscapes as well as a couple of archaeological sites (Espiritu Santo and Tambo de Leon), a forest of Polylepis (unique in Peru), among other attractions.
  • In Chiguata, travelers can enjoy full day hikes or take part of an atv riding tour (horse riding tour are also available). The ATV riding tours will allow you to cover more terrain and visit more places. Some ATV riding tours will allow you to visit the Salinas Salt lake. Depending on the time of the day travelers will also observe different species of fauna such as Vicunas, South-American Flamingos, Andean geese and foxes, among others. This tour is indeed a true adventure, but only a few tour operators offer this tour and it is not offered by the majority of travel agencies and tour operators.
  • When visiting Chiguata, travelers need to bring sun screen and sun glasses. It is important to know that it will be sunny and warm during the day, but the early mornings (until 8am) and the afternoons will be cold so appropiate attire is needed for this type of weather.
ATV Excursion to Pichu Pichu Volcano, Arequipa Adventures - My Peru Guide




  • You should go to Chiguata with a tour guide who is familiar with the area since there is private land whose owners do not allow travelers to walk in their property. Also, it is easy to get lost in this area.  

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