Hiking the San Galle Oasis Trek, Colca Canyon, Arequipa Attractions - My Peru Guide
General Info

Hiking the Colca Canyon Trek to San Galle Oasis


Altitude of Departure: l0,782 feet above sea level (3,287 m.a.s.I.) at Cabanaconde

Highest altitude of the trek: l0,782 feet above sea level (3,287 m.a.s.I.) at Cabanaconde

Lowest point of the trek: 7,135 feet above sea level (2,1 75 m.a.s.I.) at San Galle Oasis

Length of Excursion: About 14.4 miles (23 kilometers) for the traditional route Distance from Downtown Arequipa to Cabanaconde 214 kilometers - 5 hours by car

Operational Info:

  • Days: Monday to Sunday
  • Hours: Any time of the day. (Each tour operator offers a specific departure time, but it is usually early in the morning and starting in Arequipa City.)
  • Cost: If hiking as a solo traveler and minimizing costs, USD l00.00 should be enough for 2 people for the 2 Day version including meals, transportation, entrance fee, and accommodation. If hiring the service of a tour operator, prices will vary based on the type of service provided by the tour operator, but a good and personalized service will start around USD 250.00 for 2 travelers (all included).



Location: It usually starts at the Main Square of the district of Cabanaconde, Province of Caylloma and Region of Arequipa.

Hiking the San Galle Oasis Trek, Colca Canyon, Arequipa Attractions - My Peru Guide


  • This traditional trek to San Galle is done in 2 days and it starts in the town of Cabanaconde (Colca Canyon.) This hike is commonly known as the Colca Canyon Trek but locals know it as the San Galle Oasis trek and it can be reached by foot only via the San Juan de Cchucho village in about 7 hours or using a zigzag trail down to the bottom of the Colca Canyon, where the Oasis is located, in about 2 or 3 hours (this last option is very steep and it can be dangerous at some points when going down) .
  • A 2 day hike to the Oasis via San Juan de Cchucho doesn't include enough time to enjoy the experience. There is not enough time to relax, enjoy the pools of the lodges, and all the beauty of the Oasis. A 3 day excursion is the ideal duration to visit the Oasis if hiking via San Juan de Cchucho. If using the zigzag trail both ways, 2 days are good enough.
  • There is an optional route to visit the San Galle Oasis which adds one more day and includes visits to geysers, a 195 feet tall waterfall (60 meters), hot springs, and a couple of ancient traditional towns. This route is not as popular as the 2 day traditional route and only a few tour operators offer this route.
  • This route can be hiked without the help of a guide, but there aren't signs to guide the traveler where to go. It is recommended to enter to the Canyon with a knowledgeable guide since there are several trails with dead ends and deep cliffs. If the traveler is looking for atour operator which provides a highquality service,the traveler should be aware that there are dozens of tour operators offering this hike in Arequipa but the service offered is usually very low quality (cheap price is a synonymous of a crappy service). Also, beware that the lodges at the Oasis are in very bad conditions and rooms are full of bugs and insects; therefore a tent and a sleeping maybe more comfortable.
  • Travelers should allow themselves time to get used to the high altitude of the trek by spending a couple of full days in a high-altitude city such as Arequipa or Cabanaconde. Also, travelers should be in good physical shape to truly enjoy this route.
Hiking the San Galle Oasis Trek, Colca Canyon, Arequipa Attractions - My Peru Guide




  • Travelers with health issues such  as cardiac conditions, asthma, or pulmonary infections should ask a doctor before hiking the Colca Canyon Trek.

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