
Is Peru an Interesting Destination?

Machu Picchu, Peru

PERU's ideal location in South America offers one of the most diverse environments around the world. In Peru it is possible to find 84 of the 117 life zones, including the Amazon, the deepest canyon in the world, the highest navigable lake, beautiful nevados, and sunny beaches all year round. This variety of landscapes are home to 25000 species of flora (10% of all species available in the world) from which 30% are endemic, about 2000 species of fish and seafood, 1800 species of birds, 332 species of amphibians,  500 species of mammals and 365 species of reptiles (source Minagri).



This diverse environment was the home of several cultures, such as the oldest civilization of America, known as the Caral Culture, located in the Supe Valley (north of Lima) about 5000 thousand years ago. Another examples of these ancient civilizations are the Moche people with its astonishing Royal Tombs of Sipan in Lambayeque, the Nasca people who draw the enigmatic Nasca Lines and underground water channels to irrigate one of the driest lands in the world; and the amazing Empire of the Incas who left behind incredible sites such as Tipon, Sacsayhuaman or the incredible Machu Picchu.


Nasca Lines, Peru


When the Spanish conquerors arrived to Peru in the 1500s, they chose Peru to be the most important vice-royalty in South America. They ruled in Peru for about 300 years and during this period of time they imposed their customs and beliefs which mixed with the ones practiced by native Peruvians. This syncretism gave birth to new customs and beliefs which are still practiced nowadays.




The creation of these new practices also impacted in the Peruvian cuisine, which later on was also improved by the arrival of Africans, Italians, Japanese, Middle Eastern, and Chinese. Nowadays, Peruvian cuisine has become popular around the world. When visiting Peru, travelers will find food for all tastes.


Today, Peru has over 33 million inhabitants distributed among 25 regions. Each region in Peru has its own culture and customs, a diverse gastronomy, beautiful scenery, and a large variety of flora and fauna. Each region has an interesting collection of buildings that represent the different stages that Peru has faced. Many of these building are now museums or hotels categorized from backpacker’s lodges to 5 star luxurious accommodations.  


Despite Peru's amazing variety, most of its tourists are looking for a visit only to Machu Picchu and Cusco. After their arrival, the majority of them discover that they have missed a great opportunity to experience more of Peru's diverse wonders. When you plan your trip, remember that Peru is much more than Machu Picchu and Cusco. Don't let your lack of knowledge limit your enjoyment of this amazing country.


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