About The Purpose

of This Site

I am Renato Romero, a Peruvian born in the city of Arequipa, who teaches Spanish at College of the Canyons in Santa Clarita, California, and works as an Immigration Attorney. Back in 1998 I graduated from law school and after working as a Counselor at the Peruvian Supreme Court, I decided to travel to California to improve my English skills. While taking English classes in 2005, I met my wife, Sarah, in the city of Santa Clarita. Soon after we went to Lima, Arequipa, and Cusco, and she loved it so much that she has been in Peru many times. I can proudly say that she knows more about Peru than many locals do. Now, we live in Santa Clarita with our two kids. (You can see some of the pictures taken while we were in Peru by following @myperuguide on  Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, and Tumblr.

To stay in touch with my roots and my beautiful country, I started a business as a tour operator back in 2007, and from that point on I have helped many travelers experience the best of my beautiful country. I managed two successful Peruvian tour operators before I decided to create this online platform to provide information on the most important and popular tourist sites as well as places and activities off the beaten path, in addition to popular restaurants and reliable accommodations. The experience gained in these more than 10 years have allowed me to get to know dozens of tour operators. In doing so, I’ve learned that there are some really great ones as well as some tour operators who are there just for the profit and who don’t care about the experience of their customers. MyPeruGuide.com gives reliable tour operators the opportunity to list their businesses so travelers can find unique and safe experiences.

Even though this site covers all main tourist areas in Peru, our emphasis is in the southern area of the country, most notably the regions of Lima, Ica, Arequipa, Puno, and Cusco. (Some travelers add the Amazon rainforest to their itineraries.) The southern region of Peru offers a wide variety of experiences and has an immense capacity to accommodate all types of travelers, from those venturing out of their homeland for the first time to the most adventurous explorers.

My Peru Guide does not sale nor operate tours in peru. We only provide information to help travelers to plan their visit to Peru.

Why to navigate My Peru Guide!

A well-planned visit to Peru is key to fully enjoying the country. In this regard, Peru can offer a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience if planned correctly. When traveling to Peru, it is extremely important to obtain information pertinent to the activities a traveler enjoys the most and get the feedback of fellow travelers. Selecting the wrong accommodations or tour service provider can ruin a dream and expectations.

MyPeruGuide.com lists archaeological sites, most relevant places of interest, outdoor and indoor activities, and the providers you need to take you there in the way you enjoy the most. This information is constantly updated by our knowledgeable staff. We list restaurants, accommodations, tour operators, and other businesses related to the tourism industry upon their request. Our intent is to make sure that these providers offer the quality service advertised and, more importantly, that travelers get the service offered at the time of booking. 

MyPeruGuide.com provides all travelers relevant information about Peru, helping them plan a memorable experience which will include the activities that they are most likely to enjoy. 

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