
Visit Ica in Peru, discover the Colonial Hacienda San Jose in Chincha and learn about the Nasca Lines at the Maria Reiche Museum

By Renato Romero

Hacienda San Jose, Chincha - My Peru Guide


The region of Ica is located in southern Peru and it is without a doubt one of the most interesting and enigmatic regions of my country. Growing up I didn’t have the chance of traveling around this beautiful region. It wasn’t until 2007 when I decided to include this region in a two week itinerary to visit Peru. This itinerary included a visit to the regions of Lima, Ica, Arequipa, Puno, Cusco, and Madre de Dios. This visit to Ica was to short, but I was able to travel to the National Reserve of Paracas and the Balletas Islands in the province of Pisco as well as the Nasca Lines, the Chauchilla cemetery and the Aqueducts of Cantayoc in the province of Nasca. This short three day stay in Ica were enough to make me understand that this region had so much to offer that I had to come back. Since that trip, I have been back in Ica at least 5 times and I hope that I will be able to come back as many times as I can.

The region of Ica has five provinces and each of them has beautiful natural attractions to offer as well as an intriguing ancient history. During my visits to the region of Ica, I have been able to fly over the Nasca Lines, visit the Cahuachi site and the Aqueducts if Cantayoc built by the same people who made the Nasca Lines, and learn more about the Nasca Lines and its creators after visiting the Maria Reiche and the Antonini museums. My visits to Ica have also allowed me to enjoy great outdoor adventures such as ATV rides around the National Reserve of Paracas, travel around the breathtaking sand dunes of “La Huacachina” in sand buggies, and observe several species of birds and mammals at the Ballestas Islands and Marcona. These visits also permitted me enjoyed the delicious food and beverages prepared by locals after applying ancient techniques which can be tasted at places such as the Hacienda San Jose in Chincha where the biggest population of Afro-Peruvians have lived for hundreds of years.

Among all the places I have visited in Ica, there are two places that are not popular but I believe they are very interesting and all travelers with extra time should visit them. In the following lines I will talk about these two tourist attractions.


Hacienda San Jose in Chincha

This colonial farm house was built in 1688 and it holds several secrets from the time that Peru was a Spanish colony. Its small church is an art museum with beautiful pieces of art and under the main building there is an interesting framework of tunnels which were used by the owners of the farm to hide from pirates.

Nowadays, the farm house is a beautiful boutique style hotel with 27 rooms and a relaxing green area plus a nice outdoor pool. The hotel is located at the hearth of the Afro-Peruvian community where it is possible to learn about their local dances, music, and customs as well as eat their delicious cuisine.

Maria Reiche Museum and its importance for the Nasca Lines

Maria Reiche is a famous German mathematician and archaeologist who dedicated most of her life to study the famous Nasca Lines. When she arrived to the area known as Pampas of San Jose, she occupied a precarious structure from where she had quick access to the land where the lines are located. During her stay in this area she wrote several books, articles, and created several maps.

When she passed away, the Peruvian National Institute of Culture buried her remains in the land where she spent more than 40 years, and built the Maria Reiche museum. At the museum travelers can observe her work and her living conditions. Travelers should arrange private transportation to get to the museum since it is located 28 kilometers away from the town of Nasca.

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