Salkantay Snowy Peak, Cusco Natural Attractions - My Peru Guide
General Info

Salkantay Snowy Peak


Level of Difficulty:

  • Difficult hike and climb to reach the Summit via lnkachillasca Pass (for professionals only)
  • Moderate to difficult hike to Salkantay Pass

Altitude: 20,595 feet above sea level (6,279 m.a.s.l.)

Extension: The area occupied by Salkantay is not available.

Operational Info:

  • Days: Every day of the week
  • Hours: It can be accessed at any time of the day.
  • Entrance Ticket: Free for now (The National Institute of Culture is in the process of approving a fee to access the trekking route.)

Related Salkantay Videos:




Location: District of Limatambo, Province of Anta, and Region of Cusco

Distance from Cusco Downtown: 92.5 kilometers by car to Mollepata town by boat - 2 hours by car

  • 19.6 kilometeres from Mollepata town to Soraypampa campsite - this stretch can be done by car or by foot - l hour and 45 minutes by car and 7 hours by foot
  • 7.5 kilometers from this point to the Salkantay Pass by foot -4 to 5 hours by foot
Cusco Provinces - My Peru Guide


  • The Salkantay Snowy Peak is the l2th highest mountain in Peru, the 42nd highest mountain in America, and the l65th highest mountain the world. The Salkantay, part of the Vilcabamba Mountain Range of the Andes, is the highest peak in this mountain range. Its summit was first reached in 1952.
  • The Salkantay played a very important role in Peruvian Andean culture. The Incas believed that the mountains were gods and the Salkantay in particular was almighty due to its location during the summer solstice (southern hemisphere). From Machu Picchu it is possible to observe at night and at this specific time of the year, the positioning of several relevant constellations which the Incas related to water and fertility.
  • The area surrounding the Salkantay provides incredible landscapes with small lakes, high snowy peaks, a surreal terrain, and beautiful night skies. The Salkantay is accompanied by the Humantay Snowy Peak, which adds beauty to this incredible landscape. At the bottom of the Humantay a lake adds surrealism to this intense topography.
  • The location of the Salkantay allows the traveler to enjoy this interesting natural attraction and Machu Picchu in a 4 or 5 day hike. This hike, known as the Salkantay Trek, is probably the second most traveled route in Peru after the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, which is strictly regulated by the Peruvian government. (The National Institute of Culture is analyzing the possibility of regulating this route to protect it against all types of pollution caused by irresponsible users of the route and the environment .)
  • The rainy season starts in December and ends in March. During this period of time, the traveler should be very cautions due to heavy rain and common mud slides.
Cusco Provinces - My Peru Guide




  • Taking flora or fauna

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