Inti Raymi, Festival of the Sun, Cusco Festivals & Celebrations - My Peru Guide
General Info

Inti Raymi - Festival of the Sun


Date of Festival or Celebration: June 24 (every year)

Duration of the Festival or Celebration: It starts at 9:00 am at the Qoricancha Temple and it ends around 4:00 pm at Sacsayhuaman

Type of Festival or Celebration: Resemblence of the most important celebration during the Inca time

Entrance Ticket Needed: Yes (tickets are needed to access the main event at Sacsayhuaman)

Altitude: 11,152 feet above sea level (3,399 m.a.s.l.)

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Location: Cusco District, Province, and Region.

Distance from Downtown Cusco: 2 kilometers by foot - 30 minutes by foot.

Inti Raymi, Festival of the Sun, Cusco Festivals & Celebrations - My Peru Guide


  • The Inca people worshipped several gods and the majority of them were related to natural forces. The Incas believed that their gods were almighty and they had to worship them to keep them happy; therefore, many festivals and celebrations took place during their time and some of them are still celebrated in Peru
  • Religion in the Inca world was closely connected to politics and society. Their most important deity was the sun and they called it "Inti." the Inti was believed to be the final destination for the ones who lived a good live on earth.
  • The Inca empire was ruled by a king who was believed to be the divine son of the Inti. The king was known as the Sapa Inca and this title was passed from one king to the next one, but this title was not given to the oldest son of the king. This title was given to any of the sons of the king after going through rigorous challenges. There was a total of 13 kings from 1200 to 1533 when the Spanish conquerors took over the empire.
  • The most important festival or celebration during the Inca time was the Inti Raymi which whorshipped the Inti deity (the sun), and it took place during the winter solstice in the Southern Hemispehere. The winter solstice usually takes place on June 21, but in Cusco the inti Raymi takes place on June 24.
  • It is important to know that the Inti Raymi was vanished with the arrival of the Spanish conquerors and it wasn't until 1944 that locals decided to resume this celebration. Nowadays, locals put together a beaituful theatrical representation that involves about 800 people. The event takes place in three different location starting at the Qoricancha temple, then the parade moves to the main square of Cusco to finally head to Sacsayhuaman where the main ceremony takes place.
Inti Raymi, Festival of the Sun, Cusco Festivals & Celebrations - My Peru Guide


  • An entrance ticket is needed to access the main event at Sacsayhuaman and tickets should be bought in advance. An entrance ticket is not needed to observe the event in the Qoricancha temple and the main square (arrive at least one hour in advance to get a good spot in these 2 locations).
  • This time of the year is very busy in Cusco due to all the events taking place in Cusco during the month of June; therefore, it is important to book accommodation in advance.
  • Bring sun screen, sun glasses, and comfortable clothing for this all day event.

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