Hiking the Choquequirao Trek, Cusco Adventures - My Peru Guide
General Info



Altitude of Departure: 9,512 feet above sea level (2,900 m.a.s.l.) at Cachora Town

Highest altitude of the trek: l0,006 feet above sea level (3,050 m.a.s.l.) at Choquequirao  Site

Lowest point of the trek: 5,085 feet above sea level (1,550 m.a.s.l.) at Playa Rosalina

Length of Excursion: About 39.75 miles (64 kilometers) - 4 or 5 days

Operational Info:

  • Days: Monday to Sunday
  • Hours: Any time of the day. (Each tour operator ol ers a specific departure time, but it is usually early in the morning.)
  • Cost: If hiking as a solo traveler and minimizing costs, USD 150.00 should be enough for 1 person including the entrance ticket to Choquequirao. If hiring the services of a tour operator, prices will vary based on tour operator and the type of service provided, but a good service will start around USD 450.00



Location: It usually starts in Cachora Town, located in the San Pedro de Cachora District, Province of Abancay, Region of Apurimac. The archaeological site is located in the Santa Teresa District, Province of La Convencion, Region of Cusco.

Distance from Cusco Downtown to Km. 82: 162 kilometers - 4 hours by private transportation

Hiking the Choquequirao Trek, Cusco Adventures - My Peru Guide


  • This hike usually starts in Cachora Town; and from that point a 32-kilometer hike leads the traveler to the ancient Archaeological Park of Choquequirao. This site has many times been compared to Machu Picchu due to its size and the complexity of the site. Nowadays, this is not a popular Inca site; however, once a massive way of transportation is available, it will definitely become popular.
  • This is an amazing but strenuous hike. The trek goes deep into the Apurimac Canyon to the point where the fast flowing Apurimac River divides it in two. Once the summit is reached at the other side of the mountain, the traveler will start a short journey to this beautiful site.
  • This site offers beautiful landscapes, especially by the end of the wet season when everything is still green. June to September are very dry months in the canyon, when the rays of  the sun can be extreme.
  • Many tour operators spend only an afternoon at Choquequirao, which is not enough time to truly enjoy this hike and the best of this location. If an itinerary doesn't allow a full day in Choquequirao, stay away from it. Also, tour operators offer diferent itineraries with diferent campsites, but the first campsite is usually located in Chiquisca, Playa Rosalina, or Santa Rosa Baja. The next campsite is Marampata. On the way back to Cachora, the campsite can be any of the three places listed above.
  • Choquequirao is located in the same province as Machu Picchu. Some tour operators offer an 8 or 9 day trek that connects Choquequirao and Machu Picchu. This is not a popular trek and is usually offered as a private tour. This route requires the skills of a knowledgeable tour guide.
  • The traditional 4 or 5 Day Choquequirao Trek doesn't include a visit to Machu Picchu.
  • Travelers should allow themselves time to get used to the high altitude of the trek by spending a couple of full days in a high altitude city such as Cusco. Also, travelers should be in good physical shape to truly enjoy this route.
Hiking the Choquequirao Trek, Cusco Adventures - My Peru Guide




  • Travelers with health issues such  as cardiac conditions, asthma, or pulmonary infections should ask a doctor before hiking the Choquequirao Trek.

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