
Current COVID status and guidelines to travel to Peru

By Renato Romero

 Jorge Chavez International Airport, Lima - My Peru Guide


If planning to travel to Peru, it is important to know that the Bureau of Consular Affairs from the US Department of State released its latest travel advisory note on October 4 classifying Peru with a level two warning meaning that travelers should exercise increased caution when traveling to Peru due to COVID-19, crime and terrorism. This US agency has four advisory levels with four stating Do not Travel and level one recommending normal precautions while traveling. Currently, countries such as Mexico, Costa Rica, Chile, Spain, Germany, UK, France, and Italy are considered level three or four which makes of Peru and its beautiful attractions, the place to go.  

This travel advisory for Peru includes three red flags which are related to COVID, crime, and terrorism; however, these three warnings shouldn’t stop anyone from traveling to Peru if the correct precautions are exercised. In the next paragraphs, I will cover each of these issues to help travelers understand that it is safe to visit Peru during this awkward time.


Travel to Peru during current COVID conditions:

Peru continues to be under health emergency, but as the vaccination process moves forward with 40,53% of Peru’s population being fully vaccinated as of today, and COVID cases stays at low rates, this is a great time to travel to Peru. Even though, Peru maintains strict regulations when it comes to the use of masks and the amount of people allowed indoors and some outdoor public areas, the amount of travelers visiting tourist attractions is so low that places such as Machu Picchu can be fully enjoyed without the crowds seen before the pandemic.

The Peruvian government has imposed the following regulations to anybody who is entering Peru:

  • Proof of a negative PCR COVID test (Prueba molecular). Test must be done no more than 72 hours before boarding time (country of origin). Vaccination proof is not required. Travelers coming from South Africa, or have been in South Africa during the last 14 days, are not allowed to enter Peru.
  • The use of two masks is required at all times while in a plane, the airport, and indoor public places.
  • Download the migrations app, scan your passport and boarding pass, verify your personal data, complete questions related to your health, and take a selfie. A QR code will be generated by the app and a migrations agent will ask for it at the airport of Lima.


Note: If a traveler is not able to complete this process using the app, an agent at the airport will help with the process in person.

  • Passport must be valid for at least six months. This period of time will be accounted from the time of departing Peru.
  • Before returning to the country of origin all travelers should research about their destination COVID requirements. Proof of a negative PCR COVID test (Prueba molecular) could be a requirement along with proof of vaccination.


Crime while traveling around Peru:

Crime rates in Peru differ from town to town and travelers should research in advance about the towns that will be visited during their stay in Peru. During the day, tourist towns are usually patrolled by police on a regular basis and this deters robbers from attacking travelers; however, it is better to avoid to walk around streets with expensive jewelry, watches and camera equipment. At night patrolling is scarce; therefore, it is better to avoid walking around alone or in a group of two or three people (expensive accessories at night are a no-no). Also, travelers should avoid towns in the skirts of the city or towns that are not touristy at all times since crime rates are high there.

When it comes to transportation and getting around towns, travelers should make arrangements in advance or book rides with trustable providers. Taxis should never be hired while walking on streets since the chances of being robbed are high. Same applies to money exchange.


Terrorism guidelines when planning a trip to Peru:

This warning cannot be considered as a concern for travelers visiting popular tourist attractions since the remains of the terrorist group known as the shining path are located far from these attractions and can only be found in a very remote area known as the VRAEM (Valleys of the Apurimac, Ene and Mantaro rivers in the regions of Ayacucho, Cusco, Huancavelica and Junin).

In the case of the region of Cusco, travelers should not travel to the northern portion of La Convencion Province (specially the area that is closer to the regions of Junin and Ayacucho).  



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