Location: Calle Inticcahuarina N° 621 - Cusco, Perú
Phone number:
1- 84- 241267
Email: info@hotelantawasi.com
Accommodation Category: Tourist Hotel
Star Rating: 2
Description of Hotel:
Antawasi ** The hotel is dedicated to providing food and lodging, providing high quality standards the host. Our project began in 2006 with the purchase of a house that belonged to the family Del Castillo. Antawasi is a compound word that comes from the Quechua ANTA: CIMA, WASI: CASA. (Home on top). In 2010 was begun the construction of the hotel, giving opening on June 14, 2011.
Currently we have 24 rooms in single, double, double and triple; having as general manager Mr. Alipio Ccahua Galiano. The vision and commitment of our employees are involved with business goals resulting in Antawasi be a lodging establishment that exceeds the expectations of our guests.
We are located just minutes from the city center, in a quiet and cozy place, near the famous Convent of Qorikancha or Sun Temple, just three blocks from the Plaza de Armas (Huacaypatta) and easily accessible for transfer of tourists.
Our collaborators flat is headed by professionals of the highest level and a vast hotel experience.
Prices listed below do not apply to Peruvians and foreigners who have an stay in Peru of 60 days or more.
The following services are provided at this hotel.
Breakfast included: | Yes |
Type of Breakfast: | Buffet |
Check-In Time: | 10:00 |
Check-Out Time: | 09:00 |
Day Use Available: | No |
Pool Available: | No |
Parking Available: | No |
Internet Available: | Yes |
Address: Calle Inticcahuarina N° 621 - Cusco
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