The Region of Puno has been populated by humans for at least a couple thousand years. During this period of time important civilizations grew next to Lake Titicaca due to its varied flora and fauna. Important civilizations such as the Pucaras and the Tiahuanacos started in this region as well as other small kingdoms before the Incas claimed this land. Around the Region of Puno, it is possible to find artifacts and remnants of these Pre-Inca and Inca civilizations, and in sorne small towns the customs and practices haven't changed.
Below is a list of the most important Pre-Colombian and Inca sites in the Puno Region.
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The Sillustani archaeological site is located next to Umayo Lake and occupies about 60 has, however, the most important and attractive funerary towers are located in a small area (no more than one kilometer square) .
Location: 34 kilometers northwest of Puno, District of Atuncolla, Province and Region of Puno
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The Pucara archaeological site covers an area of 4.2 square kilometers. It is located 1 km. away from the Museum by foot. The complex is formed by several pyramidal buildings, the most important one known as Kalasaya. Due to the sculptures observed around it representing their apparent deities, it is believed that this building was used for religious ceremonies.
Location: Jr. Lima s/n, Pucara Town, Main Square, District of Lampa, Province and Region of Pun
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