The paintings of Surnbay prove that hurnans were in the Region of Arequipa at least 6,000 to 8,000 years ago. Even though Arequipa was not a place where relevant civilizations were born, sorne irnportant foreign civilizations settled in the area. For instance, the Wari and Tiahuanaco and Inca civilizations all conquered the area at sorne point, leaving irnportant rernains around the region.
Below is a list of the rnost irnportant Pre-inca and Inca sites developed in the Arequipa Region.
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At least 500 paintings have been registered in the area. It is believed they were made during the pre-ceramic era. Even though some of the paintings have disappeared, many of them are still visible.
Location: Yanahuara District, Province and Region of Arequipa
Distance from Arequipa Downtown: 80 kilometers - l hour and 40 minutes by private transportation
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This is the biggest exhibition of ancient petroglyphs in South America (and probably in the world) with about 5,000 volcanic stone blocks carved with different representations distributed throughout 5 square kilometers.
Location: Uraca District, Province of Castilla, Arequipa Region.
Culture & Time Period: It is believed that the petroglyphs were carved by the Wari people originally and then by the Collaguas, an Inca people. The oldest ones date from between 800 to l000 AD.
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The area where the archaeological site of Uyo Uyo is located has been inhabited by early Peruvians for about l0,000 years. The ethnic group living in this site and surrounding areas is known as "Collaguas" and they were ruled by the Wari people from about 600 AD to 1200 AD, from the mid l400s AD to 1532 AD by the Inca Empire, and from l532AD to 1821 AD by the Spanish Kingdom.
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The Puerto Inka archaeological site is located next to the Pacific Ocean in a beautiful small bay. It was the most important Inca settlement in the Southern Coast of Peru. It is believed that the Inca Trail (aka Qhapaq Ñan) connected Puerto Inka and the capital of the Empire (Cusco . It is also believed that this was the route used to take seafood to Cusco.
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