Sharinga border with Ecuador, the Region of Piura usually has very nice weather. Its coast provides a quarter of all of the fish eaten in Peru. Ernest Hemmingway was attracted to this Peruvian region and carne here in the l950s to fish and film part of "The Old Man and the Sea." This region is warm and sunny all year long, with the warmest time from December to April. The most popular spot in this region is Mancora, which is a small coastal town.

Mancora is located less than 4 degrees away from the equator. This location allows for Mancora to hove sunny days and great weather all year round. Its warm, clear ocean water makes Mancora an ideal place for relaxation or adrenaline rushes. Popular with Peruvians and Ecuadorians, Mancora is great for surfing, wind-surfing, snorkeling, diving, or fishing. From April to November (except mid-July to mid-August), there are not many locals around and beaches are not busy because it is considered the off season.

Just three hours from Mancora are the Mangroves of Tumbes. Throughout the year, 200 species of birds can be seen here. A regular tour takes about four hours. The natural thermal bath of Mancora can be reached in a four-hour hike, a two­ hour horseback ride, or a 30-minute mototaxi ride. As in many other small coastal towns in South America, the pace of life is very slow and laid back. Good accommodations in town are limited and there are no luxury resorts despite the beauty of the place. This is a great place to get in touch with nature and just relax.

Mancora canbe visited by air or ground transportation.The closest airports are the Airport of Piura, located 81 miles from Mancora, and the Airport of Tumbes, located 56 miles from Tumbes. A plane can be token from Lima with non-stop service or from Cusco or Arequipa with one stop in Lima to any of these airports. Piura receives more flights than Tumbes per day. On the other hand, there are several bus companies operating routes coming from Lima and Guayaquil, Ecuador. Sorne ground transportation companies are not serious about safety so travelers should do researchand book tickets with a reputable bus company. From Lima to Piura a flight takes about two hours while a non-stop bus ride takes about 18 hours. A bus from Chiclayo to Mancora takes about seven hours.

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