Chiclayo is the capital of the Lambayeque Region, which is located north of the Regions of Lima and La Libertad. It offers warm weather from December to April and semi warm weather the rest of the year due to its proximity to the equator. This is a land with several attractions. It was part of the Mochica civilization settled in the Moche Valley from l00 AD to 800 AD and the Chimu civilization, which ruled the area from 1200 AD to l465AD. These are two of the most important ancient civilizations settled in Peru.

In Huaca Rajada, located east of Chiclayo, it is possible to visit the pyramids where the Royal Tomb of Sipan was found in 1987. The Museum of Huaca Rajada, located where the tombs were found, holds some of the original pieces from this tomb and other tombs as well as representations of original artifacts. The area is under constant excavation. In 2008 a tomb was found by the team managed by Walter Alva, a famous Peruvian archeologist. The Royal Tombs of Sipan hove been compared with the burial sites found in Egypt. All of the artifacts found in the tombof the Lord of Sipan, the tomb of a priest, and the tomb of the old Lord can be viewed at the beautiful Royal Tombs Museum of Sipan, located in the town of Lambayeque, which is about 30 minutes from Huaca Rajada. Allow yourself at least a couple of hours to observe the Royal Tombs of Sipan.

The pyramids of Tucume are another archeological site with a total of 26 pyramids made out of mud bricks. Sorne of the areas are under excavation. A short 25 minute hike will take you to the top of one of the pyramids to enjoy the amazing view.

On the natural side, Chaparri is a beautiful private natural reserve managed by the Andean community of Muchik Santa Catalina de Chongoyape. The locals hove decided to protect the area and sorne species in danger of extinction such as the Andean Bear, the Andean Condor, the Sechuran Fox, the White Winged Guan, the Tumbes Tyrant and the Guanaco. The reserve is open daily from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., but it is important to book in advance because of the limited spaces per day. There is a lodge where you can spend a night and be closer to nature.

Pacasmayo is a popular beach for wind surfers and surfers. Wind surfing is great in this town because of the strong winds in sorne areas. There are only a couple of decent places to spend the night in town. Chiclayo is the nearest town to Pacasmayo, and it takes a little more than an hour to get there.

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