The Amazon Rainforest covers more than 603 of the total area of Peru. In this extensive area, it is possible to visit different natural reserves protected by the Peruvian government such as the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve and the Tambopata National Reserve. The former is located in the Iquitos Region while the latter is located in the Madre de Dios Region.

When planning a visit to the Amazon Rainforest, travelers should know that a yellow fever shot must be received at least l0 days prior to the visit.The Peruvian government recommends a yellow fever shot if going to the jungle at 7500 feet above sea level or lower. There is risk of malaria in Iquitos and Madre de Dios as well, but there is not a required vaccine for this illness.

Insect repellents with permethrin can be used only on top of clothes, tent, or sleeping bag. (Never use it  on  your  skin.) Insect  repellents containing Diethyltoluamide (DEET) can be used directly on the skin for a long period of time unless the person is allergic to it. (Stay above 73and below 153.)  If the traveler is going to the jungle, an insect repellent should be applied at all times.

Most of the people going to the jungle are there to observe wild life and the local tribes. This is going to be possible only if the right trip for the time available is chosen. If the goalis to observe wild life and only three or four days are available, it is better to visit a lodge in Tambopata or Pacaya-Samiria because animals near there are most accustomed to people, making it easier to observe them in such areas. The farther a traveler goes into the jungle, the more difficult it will be to observe wild life in short periods of time. If the goalis to visit local tribes, four days in the Tambopata area or three days in Pacaya-Samiria should be allocated. If visiting a local tribe, it is best to get permission from the tribe authorities and bring use fulgifts suchas books, notebooks, or clothes. (The locals are very poor.) Also, most of the locals sell their hand crafts; purchasing some thing is a great help for them. Pacaya-Samiria is the less visited reserve.

In the jungle there are different types of lodges. Sorne lodges hove neither electricity nor hot water. (Hot water is not always needed because the jungle is usually pretty hot .)  Most of the lodges offer full meals, but sorne offer only break ast. Sorne lodges include avisit to a local  tribe or day excursions to magical spots such as the Monkey lsland or the Lost Qocha Lake in Tambopata. It is important to book the correct lodge based on the interests of each traveler. In the lquitos Region a few companies offer River Cruises, and most of them offer luxurious excursions.

The easiest way to get to Tambopata is by plane, which will take you to Puerto Maldonado in about 35 minutes from Cusco. If you are goingto Pacaya-Samiria, you will need to take a plane to Iquitos .This flight takes about 2 hours from Lima.  A bus is not recommended because of the distance (a day or even more) and poor conditions of the route.

Finally, a traveler should not go to the jungle solo because it is very easy to get lost there.

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